Theology By and For A Global Church
The church in our generation is more global than ever before. In our day, it must stand on strong, biblically-faithful theological roots as it faces new horizons and challenges. Theo Global gathers and engages theologians from around the world to do theology together for the health of the global church.

Theo Global annual symposiums gather brothers and sisters who teach theology in more than 70 seminaries and Bible colleges around the world. Our annual events include South Asia, East Africa, and the Middle East. We are working to expand to Southeast Asia and Latin America in the near future.

The Theo Global journal is a rare collection of theological writing emerging from the papers and conversations at our annual symposiums. Written by leading scholars with powerful insights and voices, these are accessible to theologians, students, and church leaders all around the world.
Over the next 10 years, we’re producing Theology Together, a five-volume systematic theology collaboratively written by leading scholars from around the world. Published in partnership with Zondervan Academic, this series is uniquely designed for churches, Bible colleges, and seminaries globally. The first volume, Prophet, Priest, and King will be released in early 2025.

Michael S. Horton is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Sola Media (formerly White Horse Inc), home to Core Christianity, White Horse Inn, Modern Reformation, and Theo Global (formerly Global Theological Initiative). He is the J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California.

Adam Smith is the Chief Operating Officer at Sola Media and has led the Theo Global project since 2015. He has spent much of his career working closely in partnership with churches and church leaders in the non-Western world. Adam is a minister in the Presbyterian Church of America.